The ongoing illustration project
Hey, I’m Nuno Soares, designer since 1999. This is my illustration portfolio website, an ongoing project for 18 years

Pursuing Creativity
As a seasoned designer with over two decades experienced, I felt the urge to expand my creativity. That’s why I created novazaki*, a personal illustration project that gives me the freedom to experiment without constraints. My goal was to make my wife and daughter proud and the result is 16 years of diverse sketches, doodles, and illustrations, from traditional ink markers to digital designs. Experience is always at the forefront of my work and this is my illustration showcase.
2016 Show
It was 2016 and it had already passed a year since I was the Art Director at Boomerang, a digital agency based in Switzerland. Every day, I would stop by 100Contos (a hundred tales), a coffee shop located in Porto’s Art District, Miguel Bombarda. The owners of the shop offered me the opportunity to have my own art show. I jumped at the chance and the end result was a fun collection of both canvas and digital illustrations displayed on the walls. I even received sponsorship from Vale & Mendonça, a craft material supplier. My wife Susana Espadilha assisted me in creating the display for the show. I still remember the group of kids who came to see the show and their reactions – they laughed so hard! It was all worth it, as the show was pure fun.